Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting has been practiced by civilizations for millennia. It allows us to collect the free water that falls from the sky onto our houses and businesses and put it to productive use.
Once the rainwater is collected, it can be used to satisfy a multitude of water demands such as irrigation, indoor non-potable (toilet/urinal supply), and potable drinking water. The quality of harvesting rainwater is unmatched and these systems can be designed to provide a lifetime of service.
Remember, all water was rainwater at some time in the past… and it will become rainwater again.
Most water storage tanks can be used for rainwater harvesting. Only opaque tanks should be used for rainwater collection in order to eliminate the growth of algae inside the water storage tank.

Stormwater Management
With rainwater harvesting tanks are used to hold onto the collected rainwater, the collected rainwater in a stormwater management system is typically detained for a short period of time, then released slowly back to a local creek, river, or lake.
Water storage tanks used for the purposes of managing stormwater are typically sized specifically for a certain volume of runoff from a site’s impervious cover.
Many different types of water storage tanks can be used in stormwater management systems. Both aboveground and underground water storage tanks can be designed for use in stormwater management systems.

Well Water Storage
There are many reasons to install a water storage tank for well water storage. Sometimes, a low flow rate from a water well means that a water storage tank will need to be installed to meet the instantaneous demand of the house or building. A water storage tank can also help in normalizing well water availability, especially if a well runs at reduced flow because of environmental factors.
In other situations, you may have a well water which is high in sulfur content. Adding a water storage tank to this situation will allow the sulfur to off-gas from the well water prior to consumption.
Many different types of water storage tanks can be used for well water storage. The most commonly used tank for residential well storage is a polyethylene tank. If larger volumes of well water needs to be storage, other tanks such as fiberglass or corrugated metal liner tanks can be used.

NFPA 22 Fire Protection
Water storage tanks for fire protection are used in areas where the municipal water supply is either insufficient for the fire suppression or non-existent. In these areas, upgrading local municipal water supply lines to meet fire code requirements would be either cost-prohibitive or it would deny the actual development of the property.
These fire protection tanks store water to be used either by the fire sprinkler system in the building, if a fire pump is added to the system, or for the local fire department to use while fighting a fire on the property.
Fire protection water storage tanks are increasingly being required due to increased regulations and insurance industry requirements. They must be engineered to satisfy NFPA-22 requirements. Along with supplying and installing the fire protection tank, we can offer engineering packages to submit to your local fire marshal.

Municipal Water Supply (AWWA)
Providing proper storage of water is extremely important to every municipality. Municipal water tanks are required to meet specific guidelines or codes based on the municipal codes of the region. Most commonly, these tanks must conform to AWWA D-103, NFPA 22, and NSF 61 requirements.
The purpose of municipal water storage tanks is to meet peak demands, such as fire flows and times of the day when water use is high.
We supply and install corrugated metal liner tanks as a municipal water storage tank option. These tanks are becoming a very cost-effective choice especially for small municipalities.

Commercial and Industrial Uses
Water storage is vital for many different commercial and industrial businesses. Whether it is to provide water for manufacturing, cleaning, or operational processes, adding water storage tanks to the project can provide many benefits.
There are many different types of industries that need onsite water storage. These include breweries, distilleries, and wineries.
With water storage tanks, there is an opportunity to potentially harvest rainwater or stormwater onsite in order to reuse it for an industrial use. Tanks that are used for fire protection can have a dual use by preserving a volume for fire protection and the rest of the storage volume for another use.

Architectural and Decorative
Water storage tanks don’t necessarily have to hold water. Tanks can provide a great architectural focal point for a building.
Tanks can be used as functional parts of the building and house building systems such as water well components and pool equipment.
Tanks can have architectural cladding and other materials attached to them in order to change their appearance. In addition, tanks can make great carriers of building signage.
While tanks can be very aesthetically pleasing, we believe that they might as well be designed to be functional and store water for use to reduce the building’s environmental impact. But we can supply and install any tank that your project requires.